Dr. Madhulika Ajay Sonawane

Myself Dr. Madhulika Ajay Sonawane, Professor and Research Guide at one of the premier institutionin Maharashtra the School of Management Studies, KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon since 2007. I am born and Brought-up in Jalgaon.Worked with Industries in beginning of my career and always thrived to be an Entrepreneur started consultancy mentoring for women entrepreneurs. Mrunal and me studied in same school and it was my very happy moment when we one day discussed about her Ph.D research and decided to develop platform for product development and commercialising her research output (Medicinal Ayurvedic product )from Papaya. She applied for various funding agencies and I mentored her.

Some products researched by her and developed were used by me during my chemo sessions for treatment of Breast Cancer and found effective for dietary benefit. Mrunal started her journey as Women researcher and Entrepreneur from a House wife. Shalaka Biosciences was registered as company and now a Name with various products developed for benefit of health are available in Market with Proven standards.

I wish Her All the best for her future endeavour as an Women Entrepreneur.


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