(left) Felictated at school of lifesciences, by Director Dr. Bhushan Chaudhary KBCNMU
(right) Director School of Management at KBCNMU

(left) Vice chancellor KBCNMU. DR. V L MAHESHWARI
(right) Dr. Jayant Jahagirdar a celebrity and hounarble personality.

(Left) Dr. Bhushan Chaudhary (Director, School of Life science, KBCNMU)
(Right) Mr. Bhokare Agri commissioner of jalgaon district and Mr. Tayade Nabard bank region head.

Patented product given to anath ashram at titwala.

Business presentation on various platform.

Apeda Commissioner Mr. Nagpal lohakre understanding our patented product.

Addressing at global chemtech bio pharma summit cum exhibition 2019.

Addressing college student for Youth Day.

Felicitation at WTC

Khelo India women’s league Judo competition winners Vaibhavi Aher (Gold) Damini tople(bronze) are now in our client list for our patented product MUSA SOUP Sponsored by Innerwheel Parleshwar.

Product promoted to brigediar Ashok Abe Himalayan Trekker.